How to be a Successful and Engaging Leader

Being an effective leader is vital in the modern corporate world. A recent poll by Partners In Leadership confirms that when employees are happier at work, 85% say they take more initiative; 73% say they are better collaborators, and 48% care more about their work. It’s clear being an engaging leader makes your organization more successful, but what are some tangible steps you can take to inspire your employees? Read on to discover our top tips for being a successful and engaging leader.
It might sound fairly obvious, but communication is key to being an engaging leader. Your employees want clarity of purpose and an understanding that they need to contribute. Engaging leaders ensure communication is a two-way street. Listening to your team members’ ideas, implementing them when necessary, and keeping everyone clued in on progress and updates plays a large role.
Think About The Work Atmosphere
On average, about one-third of a person’s life is spent at work. As a business leader, it’s imperative to think about the work atmosphere in your organization. When your work environment is fun, with strong camaraderie, it’s much more conducive to innovation and high-productivity.
Encourage Group Ownership
Creating a sense of belonging and cohesion in your organization brings out the best in your employees. The more your team knows they will benefit from the success of your organization the more it will matter to them. This can be done in simple ways by giving your employees a voice in shaping the way things are done in your company.
Empower Your Team Members
As a leader, it’s your responsibility to make your team members feel empowered. When your employees feel empowered they will want to engage and go beyond their tasks and responsibilities. Engaging leaders have the ability to support their team members and create an environment where people feel encouraged to think up, and generate new ideas. If your employees know their ideas are valued and appreciated you can expect high performance and morale.
Act As a Mentor
The most engaging leaders want to bring out the best in everyone by using their skills, experience and expertise to develop their employees. It’s a great way to engage and enthuse your team, and dedicating just a few minutes in a week to this can bring about great results.
Give Credit with Rewards and Recognition
It’s impossible not to feel good when you get recognition for a job well done! The best leaders are always on the lookout for exceptional performances from their employees. Celebrating achievements and stellar performance has enormous engagement potential. This isn’t done just through promotions and bonuses, but by giving employees public praise in your monthly newsletter or in weekly meetings.